UK General Election 2024 - July 4th

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The most ridiculous thing is that both Sunak and Starmer *ARE* actually football fans, especially in the case of Starmer. The former is a Southampton fan and grew up going to games, and Keir is an Arsenal season ticket holder who plays in his spare time. Which is why it is especially amazing that both of them come across so unconvincing during the football-related photo ops.

Is that actually true about Sunak, though? I mean, is there any evidence? He labels himself a Scummer, absolutely, but the anecdotal evidence I've heard locally is that no one saw him at a game until he was an MP.
Is that actually true about Sunak, though? I mean, is there any evidence? He labels himself a Scummer, absolutely, but the anecdotal evidence I've heard locally is that no one saw him at a game until he was an MP.

Many explanations for this:

A) he probably would have had a private box away from the smelly plebs
B) it would be quite weird if anyone was actually looking out for him at games before he was a public figure
C) quite hard to spot a short king in a crowd of mostly blokes, even when you're looking for him
D) he's lying again :(
C) quite hard to spot a short king in a crowd of mostly blokes, even when you're looking for him
This is closest. He was actually smuggled in as part of a "three short people in an overcoat" manoeuvre. That's how he got rich, he was always on the bottom so never had to do the paying.
Reporting live from Bristol Central hustings

Keen is here. So is a healthy group of protesters outside.

I have VOTED using my postal vote.

In the end I went with SNP. After doing a few of the surveys, they were the party most aligned to my views, along with the Greens but as I’m in a marginal seat with Labour I felt I needed to vote tactically.
Our Labour candidate has come out as super pro-trans so now I’m torn between throwing him
my vote in hope that it helps squeak him over the line and get our incumbent fucker out (as that is what the polls suggest) or fuck Labour off regardless because of Kier’s dirty mouth.
I've VAGUELY dithered about my annoyance at Labour and our (very good locally but such a Keir kiss arse generally) MP and therefore voting Green, which is where I seem to most align, but I just cannot bear the thought of anything silly happening on Thursday and so I will stick with voting Labour.
I haven't decided yet. I have a nagging feeling that Labour isn't the answer, but I find the Greens' brand of environmentalism to be really off-putting, particularly their attitudes to nuclear power and HS2.

Tactical voting probably does make sense but I do wonder if mine and many other people's votes will be taken as a full-blooded endorsement of Starmer's politics, instead of something lent to remove a certain dubiously-wigged Boris impersonator. It's not like there's any way to say it's tactical on the ballot.
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I have to say Thangam Debbonaire was more impressive than Carla Denyer at the hustings last night, and got consistently the best audience reaction of the night.

Keen was reasonably muted, although the only candidate who vaguely took her on was the (gay male) Lib Dem, who otherwise seemed quite wet.

The Reform guy really was just like the drunk old white guy sitting in the corner of a pub at throwing out time, occasionally barking out statements when poked, which he clearly thought were deeply profound, but only prompted quiet laughter.

Electoral Calculus has it at 77/23 Green/Labour, but I think it's going to be tight.
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The Tories have no chance up here! Labour will win enough seats elsewhere.
This is worth talking about. I live in a constituency where, under the previous boundaries, the Tories typically polled around 5-15% of the vote. They are estimated at between 5 and 8% for this election. They have absolutely no chance whatsoever. Therefore just ensuring I vote against the Tories isn't the core. I had other matters to consider before voting. Is that "privilege"? I dunno.
Nope, never, none at all.

I mean clearly there are microcosms where it's not needed as a consideration. Tories will do well to finish 2nd here, so tactical voting unrequired. I could vote green, i could vote for the Buddhist independent guy. Wouldn't make a jot of difference.

The wider picture remains death to the Tories though. :)
Been speaking to my nephew about this. A lot of the support Farage gets from younger people is just them pissing about with no intention of actually voting for him. He’s the only one in his circle of friends who’s even registered to vote (which is a problem in itself but still).

The problem is how you undo that before we get to 2029 and he's a legitimate contender. And all those teenagers turned 20-somethings are now taking an interest in their income and future.

First impressions count.
5 years is a long time when you're that age and as we all know girls mature faster than boys. So just got to hope they grow the fuck up a bit in that time.

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