UK General Election 2024 - July 4th

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This reminds me of when you see that old footage of Trump doing rallies when he was still a joke ex-celebrity wanting to be a president.

And Farage’s narrative is exactly the same.

Our system doesn’t work the same way. I still feel the only way Farage can be Prime Minister is if the Tories bring him into the party and make him leader.
Our system doesn’t work the same way. I still feel the only way Farage can be Prime Minister is if the Tories bring him into the party and make him leader.

Oh I agree with you. But everyone is saying that that is likely to happen.

I guess the difference, going back to your point about our system being different, is whether he could hold the Tories together long enough to run for power in 2029. Because I do think it would fracture the party even further. I don’t have any worry about him getting enough public support. That was the point I was making about the Trump likeness. He’ll whip up middle England and disenfranchised youth together with populist shite and cause chaos. Even if he doesn’t get in, it’ll be years of very unsettled and polarising politics.
OT: Why is the Isle of Wight so odd?

It's gone from having by far the largest population in a single constituency in England to having by far the smallest, but in two bits. Were the electoral commission too afraid of a consituency called "Isle of Wight west (plus a bit of Portsmouth)"
I saw my first Reform placards out in the wild today, and depressingly it was while walking through Jo Cox’s old constituency. :gross:
OT: Why is the Isle of Wight so odd?

It's gone from having by far the largest population in a single constituency in England to having by far the smallest, but in two bits. Were the electoral commission too afraid of a consituency called "Isle of Wight west (plus a bit of Portsmouth)"
It wasn’t up to the Commission. For the first time, primary legislation treats the Isle of Wight as an exception (joining Ynys Mon, Orkney & Shetland, and that other Scottish one that’s a bit like Na Ha Hee anar).
One of my least favourite things about this election has been these awful men pretending that they are massive football fans and loutishly posing for photos celebrating when they probably don’t even know the offside rule.

Sunak in particular couldn’t appear more fake.
One of my least favourite things about this election has been these awful men pretending that they are massive football fans and loutishly posing for photos celebrating when they probably don’t even know the offside rule.

Sunak in particular couldn’t appear more fake.

It makes me cringe but bothers me less because everyone does it. Our local MP had never been to watch a game of football in his LIFE (and this is confirmed by people who know him) but suddenly is photo opping with his dad at Pompey most weekends once he was on the campaign trail and it’s continued since he’s been an MP. It’s part of the job.
It makes me cringe but bothers me less because everyone does it. Our local MP had never been to watch a game of football in his LIFE (and this is confirmed by people who know him) but suddenly is photo opping with his dad at Pompey most weekends once he was on the campaign trail and it’s continued since he’s been an MP. It’s part of the job.
Does it even work? There’s also a sizeable portion of the population that doesn’t give a shit about football, so it probably seems fake and off-putting for both fans and non-fans alike.
Does it even work? There’s also a sizeable portion of the population that doesn’t give a shit about football, so it probably seems fake and off-putting for both fans and non-fans alike.

The backlash without it would surely be greater?
The backlash without it would surely be greater?
I just don’t seem to remember the likes of John Major partaking in this (and that was when we had a semi-good team). You can still give a soundbite to wish the national team good luck, but the photo ops in the pub are cringeworthy.
I just don’t seem to remember the likes of John Major partaking in this (and that was when we had a semi-good team). You can still give a soundbite to wish the national team good luck, but the photo ops in the pub are cringeworthy.

We also lived in non social media times, though.

I mean, I agree with you, but they’re kinda damned if they do, damned if they don’t with this one…
I think Blair might have done it first, pictured having a beer watching England in the 98 World Cup.
How very Take a Break!

I swear the Lib Dems have been actively scouring twitter for inspiration for their next stunt...
One of my least favourite things about this election has been these awful men pretending that they are massive football fans and loutishly posing for photos celebrating when they probably don’t even know the offside rule.

Sunak in particular couldn’t appear more fake.

The most ridiculous thing is that both Sunak and Starmer *ARE* actually football fans, especially in the case of Starmer. The former is a Southampton fan and grew up going to games, and Keir is an Arsenal season ticket holder who plays in his spare time. Which is why it is especially amazing that both of them come across so unconvincing during the football-related photo ops.
They are unconvincing because they didn’t spend most of extra time talking about how we are going to get battered by Switzerland, like TRUE fans.

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