SOPHIE - Oil Of Every Pearl's Un-Insides

Cold World, Pony Whip, Faceshopping (Money Mix)...
I think I may need to give the original album another chance...her sound is something else.
Dare I report that the Meltdown gig was a bit off? I think this was actually less to do with Madame than the audience, who kept sitting down and standing up expecting ‘Ponyboy’ et al. (Which admittedly I was as well.) Tough luck, eh? Made for a strange kind of vibe. Also, the last fifteen minutes were totally disrupted by two shrill girls honking, “WHAT U LIKE BOUT SOPHIE WE GOT CHEAP TICKETS LOL” at me and forcing me to speak to them when I was trying to focus on the Kunst thanks very much

And on a final note, I really DID NOT want to hear ‘I’m Coming Out’ at the end, much less dance to it, so if you’re reading girls, thanks for ruining my evening and trying to get me to do so

OMG! I really enjoyed the Meltdown gig :disco: I was SO HAPPY it was a sit down gig on account of SOPHIE living out her ambient fantasy for almost the entire duration :D the bafflement from most of the crowd was quite delicious :disco:

Agree re I’m Coming Out, following THAT set Roads by Portishead would have been the only acceptable song of choice to play as the audience departed
‘Roads’ would have been EVERYTHING! ‘I’m Coming Out’ was so jarring. One of those slightly downcast Chic ones would have been much more appropriate (but not half as appropriate as ‘Roads’ :D)

How can it feel THIS WRONG? :disco:
I do wish that someone had popped a few posters up saying, “This evening’s performance will be an ambient extravaganza courtesy of Miss SOPHIE so SIT THE FUCK DOWN!”
“JASON! OMFG! GET UP NOW IT’S FUCKING PON- oh no it’s not actually but we’re standing up now so let’s have a half-hearted frug and try and sit down when no-one’s looking”
I'm getting into the original album more now but still can't into songs like "It's Okay to Cry" and "Infatuation". Pots and pans or ambient noise all the way for me and the less dolphin vocals the better.
Here’s a chat lounge exclusive of SOPHIE relaxing in the pool before laying down some sultry vocals for hot new tracks :disco:


Fans are apparently concerned that she might have overdone the surgery but I can’t see it myself
Bopping in my seat to this now - it is a more stripped down affair than the album proper but it doesn't feel like a remix album; more like she's used the album as soundsources for a DJ set. which I think is kinda the point.
Here’s a chat lounge exclusive of SOPHIE relaxing in the pool before laying down some sultry vocals for hot new tracks :disco:


Fans are apparently concerned that she might have overdone the surgery but I can’t see it myself

Cecile Believe found DEAD at SeaWorld
Isn’t the remix album MARVELLOUS! The SOPHIE dolphin really has done a splendid job and I do declare it to be the album of the day. So many highlights but I’m particularly loving hope dying a grisly, bitter death at the end of ‘Infatuation (The Trenches)’ à la that horrifying finale to ‘Whole New World / Pretend World’ (which I’ve also been playing on repeat today) :disco:
It's a dark bugger, isn't it? It's a much harder, more difficult take on the material but it's still very rewarding.
The original album is a modern classic and a core text for anyone wanting to understand the culture of the 10's but this is a more than worthwhile appendix.
This basic (by current standards) but fun banger from 2015 leaked recently:

Kitty Cat next HOPEFULLY
Ooo lovely, SOPHIE CHAT

I was looking at this thread earlier and was reminded of my ‘Whole New World/Pretend World’ repeat play binge the other week. Oh God it didn’t end at all well. Anyway, on with the remix album :disco:
Remember we were wondering aloud about financial imperatives? I bet she was paid an absolute fuckton for that Louis Vuitton thing.
I was kind of hoping it would lead into something harder, although nice to have a 12 minute remix of ‘it’s ok to cry’ for those SUICIDAL days.

I particularly love how all the models have Sophie make-up on.
I mean how fabulous if they’d have finished the show with the faceshopping (money mix).
I was kind of hoping it would lead into something harder, although nice to have a 12 minute remix of ‘it’s ok to cry’ for those SUICIDAL days.

Bet you the bitch won't release that either.
Just a quick bump to boost the thread profile, say the same old things and of course HELP SALES. I’m not sure that ‘Whole New World/Pretend World’ is necessarily the best way to set off a sane tone for the day but fuck it :disco:


Actually I don’t think I’ve previously mentioned how much I like the gaspy A WHOLE NEW bits between 02:43 - 02:47 so there’s something new for dolphin fans to chat about :tongueout:
Not SOPHIE coming through with the potentially biggest bop of the year at the VERY LAST MINUTE :disco: It’s almost quite ATC Around The World when it drops.

The original is a total banger too :disco:

Do we not have a LIZ THREAD

The remix album is obviously still tremendous but I’ve a taste for some hot new goods and Madame had better get a move on, especially given that we’ll all be dead by the end of the year
Admittedly the words slothful, drunken and wench do spring to mind. Poor love could hardly walk, much less speak, at that Meltdown thing! Oh the slurring! I did think it suspicious that the bar had run out of Buckfast :(
I hope she goes completely out there and makes a noise album.

I'm sure she's been busy getting herself remodelled.

On first listen I prefer the remix of SONIKKU’s Sweat, this is a lot moodier which is rly good for first few minutes then just sort of loses momentum.

Looking forward to losing at and loving life with this soundtracking some sort of TRENDY GAY RAVE tho. Maybe the splurty noises are actually meant to sound like CUM :disco:
I think opening with stately, slow orchestral chords is an act of deliberate subterfuge which is very funny when the vocal starts to arrive. After that, it kinda does its thing with loads of squelchy noises which are doubtless meant to be just a bit suggestive.

I want proper new SOPHIE music tho/ :(

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