Joanne Rowling and other TERFs

I kinda hope she kills herself. just to be put out of her misery because she's clearly very, very unhappy with her lot in life.
Sorry, I vehemently disagree. Wishing anyone dead cause they disagree with you is not ok.

Firstly, she’s someone’s Mum. Simple as.

Secondly, whilst everyone knows I am entirely against the dreadful shite she spouts, where does this lead when we’ve got to a stage that those we disagree with are just wished dead? The lack of ability for us to discuss things from opposing sides without resorting to shit like “I wish she was dead” online is half the reason this world is so polarised.

Absolute hard line for me.
I was being flip, not passionately wishing death on her. however you are using a deliberate bad faith argument by describing her as "someone (I) disagree with". we don't need to "discuss things from opposing sides" when the opposite side is a billionaire and global literary icon using her platform to spread hate and dangerous misinformation about trans people. there's nothing to discuss love, it's black and white. she's a nasty transphobe who is contributing actively to many trans people in Scotland, the UK and world-over being reduced to a punchline or a culture wars punching bag. the idea that anyone progressive and empathetic should be taking the high road or engaging with her level of debate (?!) on any level is fucking absurd. it's moopy and I'll say she should kill herself if I want to.

and yes she may have kids but christ knows what a nightmare she's made THEIR lives.
I was being flip, not passionately wishing death on her. however you are using a deliberate bad faith argument by describing her as "someone (I) disagree with". we don't need to "discuss things from opposing sides" when the opposite side is a billionaire and global literary icon using her platform to spread hate and dangerous misinformation about trans people. there's nothing to discuss love, it's black and white. she's a nasty transphobe who is contributing actively to many trans people in Scotland, the UK and world-over being reduced to a punchline or a culture wars punching bag. the idea that anyone progressive and empathetic should be taking the high road or engaging with her level of debate (?!) on any level is fucking absurd. it's moopy and I'll say she should kill herself if I want to.

and yes she may have kids but christ knows what a nightmare she's made THEIR lives.

And who is to say who reads this understands you're "being flip"?

I'm sorry, your defence is to go into things that you KNOW I agree with and that are black and white for YOU AND I. But it isn't for other people. Joanne has been absolutely cunty and fucking hideous in her beliefs, but where do we draw the line? Someone who agrees with her but isn't a billionaire? Someone who agrees with some of what she says, but not everything. There isn't a defined line.

Also, it does not matter what the subject is. Let's transpose this to the Israel discussion. Do we start wishing posters who disagree with us would just kill themselves because we believe we're in the right? You could apply it to anything you like.

Sorry, but wishing someone would kill themselves is just a line that shouldn't be crossed for me.
and yes she may have kids but christ knows what a nightmare she's made THEIR lives.

Oh and absolutely. Feel free to throw that up as much as you like. But they're innocent in this and imagine stumbling across "I wish your Mum would kill herself" on an internet forum...
As if we're high up enough on search engines for anyone to stumble across Joanne content. We get Enya and Billie Ray Martin fans and probably Billie Ray Martin. Some people/ stories are way bigger than us. That's why VV found us, because no one cares about her.

By that reckoning eternal loser Lineham is probably browsing as we speak.
From a mod perspective I would say that, flip or not, ’x celebrity should probably kill themselves' is not the kind of language we should be condoning.

Even removing any questions of morality, it just opens a huge risk. JK Rowling herself will probably never browse Moopy, but all it takes is for one person to tweet this at her and for it to blow up.
We know what her stans are like - utterly unhinged. One of them finds this, takes it to Twitter, we're doomed but then, that is also true of the other 58 pages of the thread.

I have certainly expressed the view that things would improve massively were she to fall down a very deep hole with some very long, sharp spikes at the bottom although her will probably funds the type of "projects" her dimwit drones flock towards.
As if we're high up enough on search engines for anyone to stumble across Joanne content. We get Enya and Billie Ray Martin fans and probably Billie Ray Martin. Some people/ stories are way bigger than us. That's why VV found us, because no one cares about her.

By that reckoning eternal loser Lineham is probably browsing as we speak.

It's not about how visible we are in the slightest. That wasn't my point.
We know what her stans are like - utterly unhinged. One of them finds this, takes it to Twitter, we're doomed but then, that is also true of the other 58 pages of the thread.

And that was my next point...albeit that I think wishing someone dead is VERY different.
I despise her and have certainly had those "wouldn't it be nice if she wasn't..." thoughts but Hmmm what I'd rather see is that one day she expands her understanding beyond GCSE biology, finally notices she's surrounded by literal Nazis on her side, breaks down at what she's become and issues a big tearful apology. Hey, we can dream.

I think the more pressing matter with wishing bad things on her is her lawyers. Is this forum visible to the public? If so it's playing with fire as far as the site owners are concerned

I'm not above that kind of comment, I made similar wish myself on another forum when I was seething at her, the admin chewed me out, others pointed out he's had lawyer letters for posts on the site before and I had to admit they had a point.
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I can’t believe she has spiralled so much as to now completely deny people’s identities. She started with the narrative that women who were born women were at risk (whatever that meant). Now it’s just a direct erasure of trans people.

To be this brazen on such as sensitive issue when you have such a large platform is sickening. I know we should just dismiss her but she is a fucking danger.
I can’t believe she has spiralled so much as to now completely deny people’s identities. She started with the narrative that women who were born women were at risk (whatever that meant). Now it’s just a direct erasure of trans people.

To be this brazen on such as sensitive issue when you have such a large platform is sickening. I know we should just dismiss her but she is a fucking danger.

I keep saying this, but it's just because of her being emboldened by accolytes and sycophants. It happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
The emboldenment is so obvious. She’s clearly very lonely and bored and now somewhat addicted to being central to a narrative that affords her a load of devoted worshippers. She’s a populist.
Boggles the mind that she went from writing books about a kind hearted boy with anti-bullying messages where the antagonist is a sort of wizard Hitler hell-bent on erasing anyone who's not a pureblood wizard, to being a massive misandrist and openly bullying and campaigning to erase a vulnerable minority because they're not (in her eyes) pureblood females. I'd never have seen this coming, back when the books were coming out.

She seems to have forgotten that FtM also exist, oddly.
They all remove trans men from the conversation. The reason for that is simple: it's easier to make people frightened of "a man in a woman's bathroom" than of "a woman in a man's bathroom". Without that fear factor, they have nothing. Irrationality is the right wing's greatest weapon - you saw it in full swing during Brexit when the regions with the least immigration had some of the highest pro-Brexit vote; it was easy to make them scared of what they didn;t understand.
The "middle aged moment" in March 2018 that started this whole saga was already about where she is now, she just doesn't care about spinning things in a way that she can sell anymore (and doesn't need to, she has her army)

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Isn't identity erasure a hate crime?

She might not get banned from Twitter (because Elon Musk LOL) but she can surely be reported?
I mean Elon has made “cis” a violation term so she’s pretty safe on there
Wasn't she reported not long ago? And basically the police were like "arsed mate"

Too much work for them unless she starts threatening violence, it's one of those laws with no teeth

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