Joanne Rowling and other TERFs

This was because she hosted a competition where children shared their artwork on her book for young people. Trolls were replying with pornographic content. Seems to me appropriate to shut down any insinuation of anything other than that.
She cast doubt on a claim that that the nazis “burned books on trans healthcare”. As a claim it’s neither here or there as there’s not a lot to back up (obviously the nazis persecuted gender non conforming people).

Pictured: Something neither here or there, for which there's not a lot to back up
Yes the nazis burned books and literature they deemed degenerate. I’m talking about ‘books on trans healthcare’ specifically.
They attacked the Hirschfield institute and destroyed his books and research which included documents and books specifically about trans healthcare.
yep that certainly seems to be true, happy to be educated!
I’m surprised someone with a bit of spare cash and an ax to grind against Joanne hasn’t called her bluff on these threats and refused to back down. If I was as rich as she was I’d be telling her “see you in court love and I’ll be bringing lots of evidence to publicise what a cunt you are!”

I know I’m simplifying the legal system there but you get the drift :)
I’m surprised someone with a bit of spare cash and an ax to grind against Joanne hasn’t called her bluff on these threats and refused to back down. If I was as rich as she was I’d be telling her “see you in court love and I’ll be bringing lots of evidence to publicise what a cunt you are!”

I know I’m simplifying the legal system there but you get the drift :)
Sadly, you don't get rich enough to take on Rowling without being a bit of a cunt yourself :(
Yeah it's weird because considering how powerful and destructive the "trans lobby" is supposed to be, nobody has quite managed to do that.
Judging by Hugh Grants legal wrangling with the Sun that’s come out today, there are loopholes in the law which can make financially disastrous to pursue court action, even if you have the money and willing.

Pretty stupid country we’ve got.
An open letter from Queen Daniel Radcliffe

(Apologies if it’s old, it doesn’t look old, has just started appearing on my feed)

This is obviously lovely from him, but I hate how, right at the start (and I'm sure he's done this several times before), he feels he has to say she's responsible for his career. Did she actually cast him personally? What about everyone involved in those films who had part in that process? Or whoever got him into acting in the first place?

All actors DEAD and BROKE because Shakespeare got run over by a wagon when he was four.
This is obviously lovely from him, but I hate how, right at the start (and I'm sure he's done this several times before), he feels he has to say she's responsible for his career. Did she actually cast him personally? What about everyone involved in those films who had part in that process? Or whoever got him into acting in the first place?

All actors DEAD and BROKE because Shakespeare got run over by a wagon when he was four.

I do see your point but there is something to be said for laying out a bit of balance at the start of a statement, especially these days, because people jump to conclusions. He’s avoiding giving her cult any ammunition and heading straight for the throat - oh you’re so ungrateful, oh you have an agenda against her, yadda yadda. I think he’s essentially reminding people that he used to have a great relationship with her and he came to this independent thought that she’s a complete nutjob all by himself.
I do see your point but there is something to be said for laying out a bit of balance at the start of a statement, especially these days, because people jump to conclusions. He’s avoiding giving her cult any ammunition and heading straight for the throat - oh you’re so ungrateful, oh you have an agenda against her, yadda yadda. I think he’s essentially reminding people that he used to have a great relationship with her and he came to this independent thought that she’s a complete nutjob all by himself.

I get all of that and do understand why, I think it just grates on me that in a statement that disagrees with her entire agenda, the first line still manages to give her that power of sorts. I wish he'd said Harry Potter gave him his career or something. I'm aware I'm being entirely petty and picky.
It's a very smart way to deliver his message, and to keep people on his side by establishing some familiarity and common ground with his audience - he stabilizes the waves with it. It's being humble and to still give someone that much credit when said person is incapable of any such nuance is a great PR spin proofing it. Anyone seeking out his statement via any click baiting from the POV from a JK moan, random right wing tweet or whatever is immediately put at ease by him starting with that. It's quite brilliant really as of course he would have gotten other roles and being nice to her just exposes her more. If she were to reply to it, she couldn't make his words menacing as he has nothing but kindness, fairness and self-awareness. He makes himself the relatable one for the general public, and the HP fans are only having their favourite books/films ruined by her and not him.
I just don't understand when supporting women's rights and supporting trans people became mutually exclusive. I don't compute with this world of hard lines and absolutes.
I just don't understand when supporting women's rights and supporting trans people became mutually exclusive. I don't compute with this world of hard lines and absolutes.
it's not even about women's rights! everybody who supports trans people supports women's rights. it's merely a smokescreen of integrity designed to disguise the reality that they dislike trans people for reasons of good old fashioned prejudice and otherness.
It's a very smart way to deliver his message, and to keep people on his side by establishing some familiarity and common ground with his audience - he stabilizes the waves with it. It's being humble and to still give someone that much credit when said person is incapable of any such nuance is a great PR spin proofing it. Anyone seeking out his statement via any click baiting from the POV from a JK moan, random right wing tweet or whatever is immediately put at ease by him starting with that. It's quite brilliant really as of course he would have gotten other roles and being nice to her just exposes her more. If she were to reply to it, she couldn't make his words menacing as he has nothing but kindness, fairness and self-awareness. He makes himself the relatable one for the general public, and the HP fans are only having their favourite books/films ruined by her and not him.

Can't disagree with any of that, and of course to be clear I wasn't denying it was an intelligent, well thought out statement - it absolutely is. Stating it for the purpose of pre-emptively staving off attacks says more about the state of online pile-ons, however I suspect he said it because he's simply a nice guy and had a good relationship with her once. My point was fairly trivial really, his intentions are obviously lovely and genuine.
A more recent statement from Harry Potter (QoL)

Radcliffe told the Atlantic: “I’d worked with the Trevor Project for 12 years and it would have seemed like, I don’t know, immense cowardice to me to not say something. I wanted to try and help people that had been negatively affected by the comments. And to say that if those are Jo’s views, then they are not the views of everybody associated with the Potter franchise.”

He added: “I did have a realisation of a connection to Harry Potter and this stuff. A lot of people found some solace in those books and films who were dealing with feeling closeted or rejected by their family or living with a secret.”

Radcliffe also said he has had no direct contact with Rowling since the controversy erupted. “It makes me really sad, ultimately, because I do look at the person that I met, the times that we met, and the books that she wrote, and the world that she created, and all of that is to me so deeply empathic.”

In 2020, Radcliffe had been joined in opposing Rowling’s position by Potter co-stars Watson and Rupert Grint, as well as Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them star Eddie Redmayne. Of the British media’s response to their statements, Radcliffe said: “There’s a version of ‘Are these three kids ungrateful brats?’ that people have always wanted to write, and they were finally able to. So, good for them, I guess … Obviously Harry Potter would not have happened without [Rowling], so nothing in my life would have probably happened the way it is without that person. But that doesn’t mean that you owe the things you truly believe to someone else for your entire life.”

He added: “I will continue to support the rights of all LGBTQ people, and have no further comment than that.”
When Elon Musk accuses you of being a broken fucking record, it’s really time you had a word with yourself
Elon Musk weighing in must surely be a fucking LOW point for her

Then again it’s just one among many, if we’re honest
We can rule out her leaving in the huff but the crown queen of "I want to speak to the manager" culture has just been told to mix it up or pipe down by the owner and she will not take it well.

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