Can we get a list of who is a TERF and who is a trans ally?

I think Luke, the trans man who won one of the later series of U.K. Big Brother is also a TERF. :manson:
I think Luke, the trans man who won one of the later series of U.K. Big Brother is also a TERF. :manson:
Just checked his twitter. Retweets of stuff supporting Farage, Trump, End Wokeness, anti-vaxxers etc etc just in the last week or so. Didn't scroll further to see any TERF stuff, but I imagine he'd want the full set.
I genuinely don't know much about TERF-y trans people, but what is their angle? I get the @Tetris-Rock point above, but on what platform do they stand? It's bizarre!
To generalise, I essentially agree with what the other TERFs say but apply the points to themselves - e.g. - “i’m a trans woman but I realise I am not *actually* a woman…”, “i’m a man so women have every right to not want me in their spaces.”

There is also of a lot of transmedicalism among some older trans people who essentially say you’re not trans until you go the whole hog with hormones and surgery despite these being inaccessible for many that want them, or undesirably invasive or unsuitable for others who decide they don’t want them.

Finally, and I think this is the most similar to self-hating homophobia, are the trans people who blame other trans people for “asking for too much”, “shoving it on people’s faces”, “taking things too far” or “making it silly” … these people commonly don’t believe people can be non-binary, for example.
To generalise, I essentially agree with what the other TERFs say but apply the points to themselves - e.g. - “i’m a trans woman but I realise I am not *actually* a woman…”, “i’m a man so women have every right to not want me in their spaces.”

There is also of a lot of transmedicalism among some older trans people who essentially say you’re not trans until you go the whole hog with hormones and surgery despite these being inaccessible for many that want them, or undesirably invasive or unsuitable for others who decide they don’t want them.

Finally, and I think this is the most similar to self-hating homophobia, are the trans people who blame other trans people for “asking for too much”, “shoving it on people’s faces”, “taking things too far” or “making it silly” … these people commonly don’t believe people can be non-binary, for example.

Thank you. I guess that does make sense- in terms of explaining it, rather than me agreeing with it, that is!
Obviously many people just enjoy being contrary or love the attention, but I do have sympathy for some of the 'not like the other queers' types.

If you're living in very conservative circles, it's probably much easier to take "nothing against you mate, but the trans lot have gone too far" at face value than to question it and discover that your friends, family, or colleagues do, in fact, have something against you.

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