Euro Elections 2024

it’s terrifying, never have so many french citizens voted for the extreme right
That’s big news. Macron has always previously refused to pull candidates, I believe. The left wing party did it last time as well.

Hopefully it’ll be enough to block the RF from power. As bad as it looks, as far as I can tell the exit poll puts them at the lower end of what was expected, and the leftists slightly at the higher end of theirs.
Comparatively, yes. But some 25% of 18-34 year olds voting far right is horrible.

In Germany the far right AFD was the strongest party with under-30-year-olds in the European elections. :zombie:

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Trump, soon to the west of me.

Le Pen to the east.

Here I am, relieved that a kind, witty centrist party is about to restore some sanity.

Labour manifesto.png
There’s really one absolute CUNT to thank for this mess.
I mean it was gonna happen in three years if not now. how is Macron to blame for France's overall, consistent, decade-plus slide toward a full embrace of the hard right?
I thought people would have realised by now that I am pathologically unable of being serious about anything I ever say.

Bait posting aside, I noticed that a couple of French Communist Party politicians lost their constituencies to the RN, including their leader in a place they had held since 1962. Seems like a very symbolic loss, although I'm surprised so many of them managed to hold out for so long.
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I don't believe there is a fundamental problem with centrism in France. There is an issue with Macron. He is so thoroughly detested by many that his personal brand has become toxic for the cause.

I don't necessarily buy that an RN victory is locked for 2027. This is surely the highwater mark for what both far-right (and the Left) can achieve. If the combination of inflation + cost of living + Gaza have channeled support which tops out at 1/3 of the electorate, I can't see either going higher.

I think a more humble, likeable Centrist or Centre-Left/Right candidate could win in three years. Macron just needs to go low profile and spend the next few years at summits abroad.
I mean it was gonna happen in three years if not now. how is Macron to blame for France's overall, consistent, decade-plus slide toward a full embrace of the hard right?
No presidency has demonised the left the way Macron did. Not even the despicable Sorkozy. Under Macron the soft Socialists are moderate Greens are the far left. And the actual left is not even considered Republican but portrayed as a danger to the Republic.

Having only managed a relative majority in the previous election, his party has preferred to negotiate deals with the far right bloc rather than with the moderate leftists to pass laws. And voted for a far right parliament vice president for the first time in France’s history.

Macron knew that he could always count on a strong far right to keep a strong presence. Since the left could just be summoned to save his arse each time. Just like in 2017. And then again in 2022.

Except since 2017 the far right discourse has been completely normalised. With the help of the private media which is mostly controlled by far right billionaires.
I think this kind of sums up the problem. As someone reading DC's post, you would think that Macron and the Far Right are the same, or just as bad as one another. This is not true. Macron, for his many, many faults, is far better proposition for France and Europe than the RN.

But his brand has become so damaged, particularly in the eyes of supporters of the RN and the LFI, that it's almost become as toxic to say you vote Macron as saying you voted RN.

People need to get real and recognise that politics is not idealism. It's trade-offs and sacrifices. And that an imperfect centrist government is better than a Far Right one.
I think this kind of sums up the problem. As someone reading DC's post, you would think that Macron and the Far Right are the same, or just as bad as one another. This is not true. Macron, for his many, many faults, is far better proposition for France and Europe than the RN.

But his brand has become so damaged, particularly in the eyes of supporters of the RN and the LFI, that it's almost become as toxic to say you vote Macron as saying you voted RN.

People need to get real and recognise that politics is not idealism. It's trade-offs and sacrifices. And that an imperfect centrist government is better than a Far Right one.
No, absolutely not. And it was made perfectly clear last night by the leaders of the left that not a single vote should go to the far right.

All Left candidates who qualified to the runoff in third position were called to stand down without hesitation in favour of Macron’s candidates to block the far right. I don’t think there’s a clearer message that the centre is a political opponent but is not the far right.

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