Euro Elections 2024

Belgium had a normal general election today alongside the Euros.
Belgium was holding national elections, it has lead to an indecisive outcome. The Prime Minister resigned to allow coalition talks. Not related to EU elections.
Jordan Bardella would be PM if National Rally win. The leadership is, let’s say, eccentric, and generally considered incompetent. Macron’s bet is either, a) it acts as a call to arms against the far right and he gets his pick of PM, or b) the RN get in and become massively unpopular in government, leading to a clear run for him in the 2027 presidential election
He can’t run again
Would this snap election not push the next one into 2028? (Assuming another premature one wasn’t called)

This seems like *quite* a gamble if true!

Where do the French far-right stand on arming Ukraine, for instance?

This seems like *quite* a gamble if true!

Where do the French far-right stand on arming Ukraine, for instance?

They have a vey ambiguous position regarding Ukraine, mostly abstaining when it comes to these votes, to not pass as pro-Russian.
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They have a vey ambiguous position regarding Ukraine, mostly abstaining when it comes to these votes, to not pass as pro-Russian.
although they very much are , Marine Le Pen has close ties to Putin, she borrowed the funds to finance her campaign from him
I’m completely shocked about the extent people have voted for the Far Right Parties of Le Pen and Marion Marechal in France ..apart from Paris Jordan Bardella, the far right candidate, came first EVERYWHERE, and the homophobic niece of Le Pen has more votes than the Green Party. It’s all too depressing to comprehend
I’m completely shocked about the extent people have voted for the Far Right Parties of Le Pen and Marion Marechal in France ..apart from Paris Jordan Bardella, the far right candidate, came first EVERYWHERE, and the homophobic niece of Le Pen has more votes than the Green Party. It’s all too depressing to comprehend
In 2022, Macron beat Le Pen by roughly 60 to 40. That’s about how much Bardella and the niece got combined yesterday. It’s still a considerable percentage of absolute racists in a country where the media is basically controlled by the right/far right.
Oh and the green fell a bit this time but they still got about the same as the racist niece, both get 5 elected members.
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The thing is this has split the party (Les Républicains, basically Tories) in two, with a good chunk wanting an alliance with Le Pen.

The Hungarian left tried this a couple of years ago and absolutely tanked, as the electorate didn’t seem to buy that the parties could govern together on a coherent manifesto. Hope it goes better for the French.

Also, interesting that leftists in the UK are so vocal about wanting PR, while in PR dominated Europe a lot of left wing parties only recourse is to cut all kinds of deals to try to get back to something closer to first past the post. :eyes:
Also, interesting that leftists in the UK are so vocal about wanting PR, while in PR dominated Europe a lot of left wing parties only recourse is to cut all kinds of deals to try to get back to something closer to first past the post. :eyes:
Is the French electoral system, which seems to be AV with extra steps, really the PR system to hold up here?

Why not look at Scotland, where we have PR (Additional Member voting system) and the most right wing party that's been in government, and only as the junior member, is the Lib Dems!
My preference would be Irish style multi member constituencies with STV.

I like the aim of AMS, but I don’t like party lists, and there’s too much scope for gaming the system for my liking.
My preference would be Irish style multi member constituencies with STV.

I like the aim of AMS, but I don’t like party lists, and there’s too much scope for gaming the system for my liking.
I've always enjoyed Ballot Box Scotland's commentary on the electoral system, and this is a good criticism of Scotland's system, and potential fixes

I've always enjoyed Ballot Box Scotland's commentary on the electoral system, and this is a good criticism of Scotland's system, and potential fixes

That was a good read. I should read their briefing on Scandinavian-style PR, as I’ve never really understood the weirder bits of the Swedish (and Danish?) systems.

The Hungarian left tried this a couple of years ago and absolutely tanked, as the electorate didn’t seem to buy that the parties could govern together on a coherent manifesto. Hope it goes better for the French.

Also, interesting that leftists in the UK are so vocal about wanting PR, while in PR dominated Europe a lot of left wing parties only recourse is to cut all kinds of deals to try to get back to something closer to first past the post. :eyes:
It’s the same coalition that was formed during the 2022 legislative election. It kind of worked and got about as many MPs as the far right. With Macron getting the most, with only a relative majority though.

This time though, Macron’s chances are at an all time low. And many more second rounds are going to end up being Left vs. Far Right.
This time though, Macron’s chances are at an all time low. And many more second rounds are going to end up being Left vs. Far Right.
I’ll you guys guess Macron’s voting instructions for his base in these cases :eyes::eyes::eyes:
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