Will Biden and Trump be on the ballot in November?

Will Biden and Trump be on the ballot in November?

  • Only Biden will

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neither will

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I mean ffs we have far right rise in France as well.
The democrats need some fresh blood to counterbalance the disgusting right wing rhetoric.
I am somewhat hopeful that we are actually turning a corner in this country (let's face it Reform is all but a joke at this point)
there may be the odd anomaly ie. Spain's current leftist coalition, Polands's rejection of the right, or centrist parties like Labour (ugh) getting elected in the UK this time, but overall there's no getting away from the hard and ongoing embrace of the right wing.

leftist parties everywhere now occupy the centre ground and right/centre right parties have normalised hard right views on immigration. the true left is on the fringes and totally unelectable.

to blame for all of this is rampant capitalism - the working and lower middle classes don't have the money to live well, immigrants and metropolitan elites are blamed, everything shifts to the right, rinse and repeat. this is not some cyclical thing, it can't go the other way now until the broken model under which we're all living is completely reimagined. but a party wanting to reimagine it will never be elected because the left are toast. it's doomsday! there's no cause for optimism, in the UK or anywhere else.
there may be the odd anomaly ie. Spain's current leftist coalition, Polands's rejection of the right, or centrist parties like Labour (ugh) getting elected in the UK this time, but overall there's no getting away from the hard and ongoing embrace of the right wing.

leftist parties everywhere now occupy the centre ground and right/centre right parties have normalised hard right views on immigration. the true left is on the fringes and totally unelectable.

to blame for all of this is rampant capitalism - the working and lower middle classes don't have the money to live well, immigrants and metropolitan elites are blamed, everything shifts to the right, rinse and repeat. this is not some cyclical thing, it can't go the other way now until the broken model under which we're all living is completely reimagined. but a party wanting to reimagine it will never be elected because the left are toast. it's doomsday! there's no cause for optimism, in the UK or anywhere else.
Honestly, if Trump wins I think THIS could end up going down as the ultimate act of boomer generational sabotage.
I've consulted the tea leaves and they're going to send Joe off to the glue factory. That poll showing Kamala neck and neck with Trump gives them an out. He's not ready for her asking if he just fell out of a coconut tree and doing her silly laugh.

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