David Cameron being mesmered by the beguiling Camila Batmanghelidjh CBE RIP was one of my favourite late-era coalition stories.

I've managed to pretty much entirely avoid this shitshow. I made a conscious decision to leave the country once the coalition came in (admittedly there were many other factors, but the refusal to live under the Tories was a big one). I wasn't expecting them to stay in government for FOURTEEN YEARS but here we are.

Anyway, I've been fairly shielded from many of the memes / more farcical events that populate this thread. Or at least they've been less impactful on my person due to physical distance. My abiding memory of this government will probably be the gradual loss of pride in my country; the transition from idealistic, mildly-patriotic youth with faith in a better future to a more jaded, pragmatic old bastard who generally downplays his Britishness (except during sporting events). Part of that is probably just plain ageing ofc, but having to field constant questions from the international community about stuff like Brexit / Boris / Liz / etc. is personally taxing. Much of the rest of the world (quite rightly) thinks us an absolute LAUGHING STOCK. I don't enjoy that.

On another level, as much as I don't particularly get on with them, witnessing the impact of this gov's policies on my immediate family has been upsetting. They're vulnerable people of colour, entirely dependent on an NHS and disability/support services that have increasingly either failed or ceased to exist. I tend to stick my neck out for those less privileged than myself regardless, but having to experience this so close to home fuels my sense of indignation with the cunts who are responsible for the decimation of things that once made me proud.

So I don't have a 'favourite' moment per se. Just an endless amplification of my DISENCHANTMENT WITH LIFE which they're almost as culpable for as myself. But I very much intend to have the last laugh! The last election I voted in in person was the one that brought them in to government. Not only that, but still-very-fresh-out-of-uni me was a Lib Dem stan who checked their box because of the tuition fees (amongst other things). I'll be back for this election thanks to a rare slice of good fortune and I will very much make amends. My vile abomination of a hometown has never not voted Tory, but I see that they're almost definitely going RED* this time around - and I cannot wait to piss on their graves. Like, seriously, their HQ is round the corner from where I'll be staying and I will probably go and piss on it. Favorite moment INCOMING, I guess!

* but I'm not.
Much of the rest of the world (quite rightly) thinks us an absolute LAUGHING STOCK. I don't enjoy that.

For what it's worth, I suspect much of the rest of the world wouldn't hold up to much scrutiny if anyone were actually paying attention.
I've managed to pretty much entirely avoid this shitshow. I made a conscious decision to leave the country once the coalition came in (admittedly there were many other factors, but the refusal to live under the Tories was a big one). I wasn't expecting them to stay in government for FOURTEEN YEARS but here we are.

Anyway, I've been fairly shielded from many of the memes / more farcical events that populate this thread. Or at least they've been less impactful on my person due to physical distance. My abiding memory of this government will probably be the gradual loss of pride in my country; the transition from idealistic, mildly-patriotic youth with faith in a better future to a more jaded, pragmatic old bastard who generally downplays his Britishness (except during sporting events). Part of that is probably just plain ageing ofc, but having to field constant questions from the international community about stuff like Brexit / Boris / Liz / etc. is personally taxing. Much of the rest of the world (quite rightly) thinks us an absolute LAUGHING STOCK. I don't enjoy that.

On another level, as much as I don't particularly get on with them, witnessing the impact of this gov's policies on my immediate family has been upsetting. They're vulnerable people of colour, entirely dependent on an NHS and disability/support services that have increasingly either failed or ceased to exist. I tend to stick my neck out for those less privileged than myself regardless, but having to experience this so close to home fuels my sense of indignation with the cunts who are responsible for the decimation of things that once made me proud.

So I don't have a 'favourite' moment per se. Just an endless amplification of my DISENCHANTMENT WITH LIFE which they're almost as culpable for as myself. But I very much intend to have the last laugh! The last election I voted in in person was the one that brought them in to government. Not only that, but still-very-fresh-out-of-uni me was a Lib Dem stan who checked their box because of the tuition fees (amongst other things). I'll be back for this election thanks to a rare slice of good fortune and I will very much make amends. My vile abomination of a hometown has never not voted Tory, but I see that they're almost definitely going RED* this time around - and I cannot wait to piss on their graves. Like, seriously, their HQ is round the corner from where I'll be staying and I will probably go and piss on it. Favorite moment INCOMING, I guess!

* but I'm not.
Yes - to all of this. Voting Lib Dem in 2010 was the equivalent of stanning Katy Perry as your #1 big pop girl during that era.

What an exhausting 14 years this has been (12 of which I have lived abroad). I left being reasonably OK about being British; for a long time, I was extremely ashamed of it; I feel reasonably ambivalent about it now. Maybe because the rest of Europe is just as much of a shitshow. At least Britain looks like it might course-correct.

I will never forgive Brexit, I don't think. Although I look at it now and think that its effect of smashing the Tory party to bits may ultimately end of being a good thing. I've argued that the UK has had a Far Right government masquerading under Centre-Right branding for the best part of a decade; at least if they are under the Reform banner, we can call them what they really are.

As for best moments, Theresa May gave the best memes. Her short-lived Dancing Queen era should have smashed.

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