
Apparently that SPATE of leaks were indeed from recent sessions o_O O_o o.O O.o
Christ :o They need Detective La Toya at this point, because these things should NOT be leaking.

Spying Latoya Jackson GIF
Can we have a BLONDIE moment where HEIDI, AMELLE and MAYBE the other one, but perhaps NAH, get up on stage and ask if they can all perform together only to be denied by MUTYA'S RICTUS GRIN :disco:
Muts would pelt them with her trademarked gift wrapping papers!
oh dear oh dear :D to be honest I'm of the mind that Heidi made her bed when she had Keisha chucked out of the group, so... tough titties love, and thanks for the mems xx
Slay Mutya and of course she's right. A certain someone had no issues with doing things and accepting awards without any of the founding members in the group. A certain someone needs to sit her ass down and realise she made her choice 15 (!) years ago.
Mutya left of her own accord. Heidi didn't. I think that's the difference. The band also had by far their biggest success when Heidi was in the group.

Anyway it's all a bit petty. THE OG3 are critics darlings but let's be real, they've had FUCK ALL success since they came back music wise.
What were these awards exactly? :D
It was some cheap awards by some women's rag and the like (essentially participation awards), but still :D

I also don't think Heidi can whine that she didn't *decide* to leave the group - bitch, ya kicked out a founding member!!!
Wait guys are you sure GET SEXEH RIGHT NAHHH didn't sweep every ceremony of the time?
The ever reputable PNEWS suggesting Heidi and Amelle are "in talks" to tour using the Sugababes™ name :o

Come through The Sugar Babez! It's giving:

I'm sure they'd get a few low rent gigs at BACK 2 THE NOUGHTIES BOGNOR and the likes while the real deal are continuing their streak of PRESTIGE BOOKINGS :disco:
I do remember hearing that Crown/whoever do still have some amount of rights to use the name Sugababes though, so it could be quite fun in a MESS kinda way
I feel like Heidi and whatever remains of Atomic Kitten could probably get some decent bookings by teaming up as some sort of mutant supergroup.

Maybe rope in a spare Liberty X.
I feel like Heidi and whatever remains of Atomic Kitten could probably get some decent bookings by teaming up as some sort of mutant supergroup.

Maybe rope in a spare Liberty X.
Heidi was actually an original member of Atomic Kitten.
Bitches With Botox Faces, the new album from SourHarpies out #soon.
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Just to say my piece that Heidi is right.

Siobhan accepting that MOBO was laughable. Or if not laughable, not having the grace to mention Heidi (and maybe Amelle) was poor.
I always felt a bit SORRY for Heidi and she always seemed quite nice, but I’m sorry this Pontins version of the ShughabaybZ (TM) is such a tragic mistake :D

Be glad you got a good run, or maybe go on the campsite tours as “Heidi (from the Sugababes)”, I’m sure you’ll get some gigs as a solo.

But a fake group duo with none of the original members is a CHOICE!
As hard done by as Heidi definitely is

The post-Keisha legacy is GET SEXEH RIGHT NAH

Nobody wants to revisit those times
I hope the setlist consists mainly of Sweet 7, with some bits and bobs from Catfights, Change, and Taller; maybe throw in a tongue-in-cheek One Touch megamix of Overload/New Year/Run For Cover for good measure and as a nice bathroom break.

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