SOPHIE - Oil Of Every Pearl's Un-Insides


sausage roll thrice
Feb 3, 2004

She's put the whole damn thing on Youtube.

It's fucking AMAZING. Dense, weird, constantly sounding like it's going to explode but also deeply emotional, totally affecting and kinda ecstatic.

You wish your diva could do this.
Hooray! I posted about it in the single topic, but I really should've made a new one.

It's early days, but I could easily see this being my album of 2018.
I'm kinda feeling 2018 is over, good game everyone, we'll kick off again Jan 1st 2019. It's not what I expected but in a delightful way - I didn't expect it to be so far out-there but so uplifting.
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I need to try and get my head around that title before I consider listening to it.
I need to try and get my head around that title before I consider listening to it.

Wikipedia claims it's a mishearing of "I love every person's insides". There's no citation, before Madison arrives.
I'm pretty sure I can hear Charli XCX on "Immaterial"...and "Whole New World", perhaps.
I keep listening to Whole New World on repeat... it's utter insanity, with parts of it probably being what Shampoo would sound like if they were produced by Aphex Twin. I can't get enough :disco:
what the fuck are those gigantic golf balls in her cheeks
It appears she's had those temporary implants that dissolve. For the sake of her art. QUEEN.

Photo of her last night at Charli XCX's London gig confirms them as a prosthetic. Either that or they dissolve very quickly and were shoved in for some photoshoots but that feels like a lot of effort so I'm going with "prosthetic".
anyone seen her alive and kicking? I'm contemplating buying a ticket for next week's show here, I have a feeling it's an event not to be missed
Can't say I have. She's done one DJ set at an art school party in Glasgow since I became properly aware of her and I didn't feel like traipsing to Edinburgh for a 2am DJ set during the festival.
I'm going to see her in Liverpool - mainly to hear Immaterial and It's Your Life/101/Reason Why

I have heard lots of reports about her drunk/high sets which end abruptly due to unexplained "technical difficulties" though...
ticket bought

I will have a MOMENT to Immaterial and I hope no one documents it
This album is FUCKING AMAZING as I may have suggested elsewhere but I’m a bottle down and ÇA M’EST ÉGAL

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Feel free to delve into some of the fabulous stuff she sometimes plays live then refuses to actually release, like this :argh:
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Oh that vocal sounds so fabulously UNLIVE! I saw mention somewhere online of Queen Sophie MIMING but I certainly wasn’t bothered by THAT at The Knife’s :disco::disco::disco: Shaking The Habitual show

I mean some people are just so OLD FASHIONED!
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I’m hoping that the SOPHIE hair is a fully intentioned Regina Fong homage


Oh that vocal sounds so fabulously UNLIVE! I saw mention somewhere online of Queen Sophie MIMING but I certainly wasn’t bothered by THAT at The Knife’s :disco::disco::disco: Shaking The Habitual show

I mean some people are just so OLD FASHIONED!
Oh yeah, by play live I mean she's pressing the play button while doing a DJ set :tongueout: I think It's Okay To Cry is the only song with her actual vocals, for the others she has a stable of young ladies who let her do all sorts to their hot vox :cool:
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She was floating about the notion that we would get more music before the year was out so who knows...
What the ACTUAL FUCKING HELL happens in the second half of ‘Whole New World / Pretend World’ (apart from it disintegrating into a psychotic Burial having the most horrific time ever, obviously, and that doesn’t even BEGIN)? I didn’t expect to end up in TEARS! Honestly I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again

Truly this is the ALBUM OF THE CENTURY
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Yeah, that whole sequence is incredible, totally blew me away.

Anyway, whole tour cancelled, says she's off to the studio and denies rehab rumours after reports that she was out of her gourd at a couple of shows. Of course, she neatly sidesteps the whole Tel Aviv thing in the doing so.
I wish I could get past the excruciatingly bad title to investigate.
Yeah, that whole sequence is incredible, totally blew me away.

Anyway, whole tour cancelled, says she's off to the studio and denies rehab rumours after reports that she was out of her gourd at a couple of shows. Of course, she neatly sidesteps the whole Tel Aviv thing in the doing so.

“PS I’m not going to rehab” INDEED! :side-eye:

I do think that @lolly should give it a go. Easy listening at its very finest :disco:
This isn't recent, but nobody bloody tells me these things so here's SOPHIE collaborating with her fellow flawless CGI doll Hatsune Miku (also featuring sadly corporeal fleshbag Namie Amuro):
I was about to say I'd really be up for an entire vocaloid SOPHIE album, but then I realised that her entire career to date has basically already been one :D
I love the extremes of her vocal processing - everything from a barely audible sub-bass growl to something so high it would give you tinnitus. Obviously, as a trans woman, I relate to this in a whole different way from just the aesthetics especially when coupled with her one un-processed vocal thus far being "It's Okay To Cry".
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£25 for the sodding vinyl LP.

Y'see, this is the economics of the industry: 5 years ago, I'd have been able to buy a £10 CD on the day of release. Now I get to cough up for a download and then it comes out on vinyl only in small numbers 6 months later.

Ach well. She's worth it.
Oh aye, tits oot on the inner sleeve. And a big fuck off poster (tit free on one side but not the other). PROGESTERONE QUEEN!
If there is, I'm not buying another fucking copy after just shelling out twenty five sheets for the LP.

It's a work of art, mind you - the picture in the gatefold sleeve is almost worth the entry price alone.

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