Florrie - The Lost Ones aka Florrie is finally releasing a proper album


Feb 2, 2005
(I don't think this compilation thing counts)


Out 14th June.

1. The Lost Ones
2. Never Far from Paradise
3. Kissing In The Cold
4. Personal
5. Honeymoons Over
6. Looking For Love
7. If It's Been A Hard Night
8. Bad Movie
9. Love Hearts
10. I Took A Little Something (2024 version)
11. Get You Back
12. Jealous

I hope they haven't done anything too radical with I Took A Little Something. I do suspect the very old songs may end up being the best here, but I am looking forward to hearing the album.

The budget appears to be limited, but baby Florrie on the drums is very sweet:

Also supporting Girls Aloud in London. Hoping for some vintage selections.
This news has got me looking through the classic Florrie EPs (and the strays not included on those EPs). Get You Good is fine, but a bit of a random choice of all the songs to revive.

This however is a right banger, much better than the main version:

I took a little something is possibly one of the best songs ever so she better not have ruined it
She seems quite lovely so I’m glad this is coming out.

Experimenting With Rugs, Left Too Late (Florrie Edit) and Little White Lies would be my three Florrie faves.
Her discography was an embarrassment of riches but she lost me with all the singles she's been releasing for the past few years. And Brian Higgins is still involved so not sure what happened.
Her discography was an embarrassment of riches but she lost me with all the singles she's been releasing for the past few years. And Brian Higgins is still involved so not sure what happened.

I guess Unperfect and CuteBad got all the hits :(
I keep reading this as 'Friday is releasing a proper album' and thinking its yesterdays daily thread.
I Took…is still a triumph, as is a lot of her stuff, so very much here for this.
I was listening to her old stuff this morning. It really was ALL KILLER up to and including the Late EP. Much more uneven after that but still some gems.

Definitely the pick of Sirens:

I'm a slightly new (since lockdownish) Florrie convert, so this is pleasing. I wouldn't mind a proper mop up of all the GEMS and DIAMONDS but this is a start. And while we're all fangirling and dropping our faves may I add this one we haven't had yet?

It’s strange how little actually released material she has, considering she has been around forever. Her archives must be stacked.
Listened to some of her back cat today. She really has such an ear for good pop and even much of her earlier stuff still sounds great!
The Lost Ones is brilliant, so I’m looking forward to the album. I see she just moved to LA or somewhere in the States which is interesting move for her.
A rather simple video:

Absolutely love this. Gorgeous and wistful but full of hooks in the classic Florrie/Xenomania style.
Washed over me a bit, but it’s on in the background. Added to my list so hopefully it grows.

I still am loving the previous anyhoo.
So I guess she's not releasing 2024 mixes of Shot You Down or Summer Nights (her best songs)? :evil:
I’m tempted to go see her in a few weeks but not sure I can be bothered, especially solo. Might wait for the week and see if tickets are left.

The Lost Ones is still high on my plays :disco:
I don't think I know any Florrie solo material but @FetchFugly your relentless stanning has got me on board - Kissing in the Cold is lovely and I instantly LOVE Hours and Borderline from the last album :disco:
Album OUT

I am saving most of it for the LP which I hope will be waiting for me this evening, but Looking For Love is tremendous and I Took A Little Something unfortunately a failed redux on first listen.
it was frankly quite nasty of her to scalp me like that with Looking For Love. i'm fucking bald now. thanks a lot Florrie.
Sadly I just have no interest in this anymore. I skimmed through it and there's none of that edge left her music used to have. Looking for Love is not anywhere near as good as the original either. I'm happy for her though.
what the fuck did she do to I Took A Little Something? :shock: :enya:

To be fair I could almost understand it if she wanted to re-do the verses to fit her current sound, but to have a stonking pop chorus and just do away with it...

It also looks a bit sad having (2024 version) on your album tracklisting.

Saying that, I really like the album overall. The new songs seem solid to very good on first listen, with If It's Been A Hard Night the stand out. The new (I'm Gonna) Get You Back is fine. Looking For Love has that thunderous chorus and the reworking bridges Florrie past and present perfectly.

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