Donna Summer 'Love to love you, Donna Summer' documentary


Aug 29, 2018
La Rochelle
So this was aired on HBO last night. Eager to watch it, but I hope it doesn't have any hot takes that put me off her (I shouldn't think so as it is directed by her daughter).

I DO wonder how much of the Born Again Christine 'God hates fags' era gets an airing......

I'm really looking forward to this, next Saturday on Sky Documentaries.

They definitely do cover the anti-gay and AIDs controversy, it was referred to in something I read. I'm interested to see how it is presented though obviously expect it will be given somewhat of a light touch, bearing in mind the family involvement.
Just finished watching this. Some wonderful archive and home video footage. I did feel it was a little scattergun in parts and for all the personal revelations included in the film I think Donna remains a bit of an enigma.
Oh and this was released this week:

I was a bit confused when I saw the artwork yesterday but after watching the documentary I assume the picture is one of Donna's.
Still not watched it :eyes: But semi related is a new film about Casablanca Records ‘Spinning Gold’

I watched this last night. It was good and I enjoyed it, but like @FetchFugly said, there was so much more there. I feel like it could have been extended by an hour, but I also understand why they needed to keep it to a 2 hour film, but a little mini series might have worked better for me. There was so much missing.

It wasn't a whitewash or sycophantic- I'm really glad they addressed the whole "AIDS" thing, but it didn't really provide a satisfactory conclusion to it (though I do believe her side, I don't understand why the whole "Adam and Steve" thing she admitted wasn't really examined) and there was a massive gap for me in the whole "Disco Sucks" era being missed out and how that affected her/ her music too, which would have interested me. You'd think from the documentary that her career ended in 1983, basically, and the whole "she just wanted to concentrate on family" was obviously horseshit, but then they didn't even mention the comeback in 1989 or the 20 years of being one of the leading ladies of the club/ dance scene, which I think was a shame. I was also REALLY gearing up for some BABS juice with glee, but they obviously couldn't get an interview out of her, which was sad, because No More Tears was glossed over as well, really. I didn't like the shade put on it by the Dim All The Lights furore (which I had never actually heard of before, and didn't realise that was the catalyst for the lawsuit.) I loved a lot of the archival footage too, but it did get a bit samey in the end.

Anyway, what it has done is sparked a Donna- fire in my listening. Just had a LOVELY mince to my office with "Four Seasons of Love" on and worked a treat in the sunshine. All together now...

Summer FEVER!

There's a nice little Donna Summer TOTP2 on iPlayer at the moment.

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