Doctor Who (2023-)

So stupid. They are so CBBC-ishly adverse to having a character die that they can’t even kill a doctor anymore.

They even mocked the audience by pointing out that they semi-killed three companions in a row.

Thankfully Adric got a mention. But I wouldn’t put it passed them going back in time and re-writing history to only semi-kill him too.

I hope whatever the David Tennant doctor is called is never seen on screen for a long time, and the Gatwa doctor thrives on his own.

Interesting - I actually saw the mentions of Amy, Clara and Bill as making it clear just how horrific all their endings were.

I am not a big fan of 14 still being around though. I LOVED the idea of him being forced to regenerate 20 minutes before the end and Ncuti being thrown straight into the action, so I was kinda disappointed that it happened. But also.. I'm not like 'oh Doctor Who is dead to me'... :D
Also I saw someone had made this and honestly, yes please :disco:
View attachment 22934

I didn't realise she was gonna be in this episode and to be honest... it felt like one guest star too many - she really had fuck all to do. I hope they're planning her return fairly soon to flesh her out a bit more, because frankly her Terror of the Vervoids entrance might even have been better than her part in this, for all the talk of her being 'fleshed out' in the new series.
I can't watch/listen to this until after work, is it as UNHINGED as I'm hoping?
Nobody is doing it like her.

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Watched it now, Jesus Christ :D I love that they're proper nasty goblins that eat babies! The singing one is a queen of course, but that little gay one who wants to be eaten by the king is also giving us everything and more :disco:
This gave me Trolls vibes :D

The first movie with the goblin prince or whatever where Justin Timberlake ends up singing in the bottom of a cauldron
Was it known that Anita Dobson isn't the only EastEnders legend appearing in the Christmas special? Ruby's grandmother is played by none other than Yolande Trueman herself, Angela Wynter :disco:
It just sounds like some woman is singing it, doesn't match the character at all


I enjoyed the specials though x
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I guess dUb thinks the goblin should have a stereotypical little goblin voice, not that of a session singer/pop star.

Very narrow-minded and bigoted of him if you ask me
The 2nd December episode ends up with a consolidated 7.142m.
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Honestly, I can't remember being more excited for a Doctor Who episode. This looks like it's gonna be utterly ridiculous in the best of ways :D
Honestly, I can't remember being more excited for a Doctor Who episode. This looks like it's gonna be utterly ridiculous in the best of ways :D

I guess I was more excited for Rose.
Currently working my way through the novelisation of The Giggle.

Interestingly, it is written from the Toymaker's perspective, and I'm quite enjoying it.

They turned the corridor section into a choose your own adventure! :D
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Now he's had an argument with a copyright lawyer about including music in the story :basil:
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Not allowed to watch this without Mr Jiva so have to wait until the 28th :(

MY GOBLINS!!!! :cry:
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OMG loved it :disco: Light on plot but big on fun, as Christmas should be - though there was quite a lot of stuff set up that will surely be revisited later.
Anita Dobson breaking the fourth wall at the end was lovely :D Though I really was expecting her to
reveal either RED NAILS or a GOLD TOOTH :tongueout:
That was mad :D

Can tell they're going full steam ahead with the whole "line of salt at the end of the universe lets all the fantasy stuff in" thing. And mavity. It's fine

Internet probably getting mad about the 4th wall break as if Hartnell didn't do it himself in like 1963 when it was Christmas:p
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Love that they seem to be going FULL GAY between the Doctor and whoever Jonathan Groff is playing :disco: And Jinkx looks fab in the split second you see of her. And Rose Noble is back! I'm so excited.
Really enjoyed this. Ncuti is absolutely amazing and is definitely on track to be a top 3 doctor for me.

I have also assumed that

The mystery mother and Anita Dobson are all Ruby in some timey wimey shenanigans
I feel like baby Ruby will have been snatched from another time or planet (but NOT an alien), hence the lack of any genetic matches.

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