C*nty things on the internet

Luring others with crumbs.
Stomping the weak to death.
"Psychological training".

Definitely a royal.
Get you a girl who can do both

This is May Miller. A very well known pub singer in Glasgow. This video was filmed in the Waterloo, one of the gay bars. @ZenGiraffe will know her for sure.

She performs with her husband and they have their own groupies called The Millerettes. I am not a fan.
This is May Miller. A very well known pub singer in Glasgow. This video was filmed in the Waterloo, one of the gay bars. @ZenGiraffe will know her for sure.

She performs with her husband and they have their own groupies called The Millerettes.
I've not had the pleasure of her company, whenever I've been in the Waterloo it's only been the "pigeon pigeon" woman doing the singing.
I've not had the pleasure of her company, whenever I've been in the Waterloo it's only been the "pigeon pigeon" woman doing the singing.
That’s Christeen. She hosts the karaoke every Sunday. I’ve never been myself but it’s very popular.

It’s technically a gay bar but it’s full of Middle aged straight people at the weekend. You know the kind I mean.

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