Monday no longer has an atmosphere of frociaggine

For some reason, Portsmouth always holds its Pride event the week after June. I’ve never quite understood that, but it means I’m going to be GAY for at least another seven days.
Ours is 13th. We've got Human League and Claire Richards.

Oh, and Pixie Polite :bruised:
I woke up zzz 😴 huh mumyzs da other half way yuikesss even washed doors bet don’t notice 😂

Obeseeee ligers rule fact
I’m at NAPLES AIRPORT early as my parents were getting a different flight. I’d hoped to drop off my bag at the storage but it’s FULL. My flights not until 8pm but I’m not dragging my case around bloody Naples all afternoon so I’m stuck HERE :evil:
I’m at NAPLES AIRPORT early as my parents were getting a different flight. I’d hoped to drop off my bag at the storage but it’s FULL. My flights not until 8pm but I’m not dragging my case around bloody Naples all afternoon so I’m stuck HERE :evil:
So, to the bar, then.
For some reason, Portsmouth always holds its Pride event the week after June. I’ve never quite understood that, but it means I’m going to be GAY for at least another seven days.
Glasgow's not til late July now, down the pecking order from TRNSMT (The Neds Big Day Out) and the Orange walk.
Brighton isn't until August, is it? I think having it outside of Pride month is as common as having it in it.
I found another luggage storage place so currently sat drinking Aperol outside the grim central station :disco:
For some reason, Portsmouth always holds its Pride event the week after June. I’ve never quite understood that, but it means I’m going to be GAY for at least another seven days.
Pride in Ireland is stretched out until mid-August, otherwise everyone (not me) would go to Dublin and there'd be no one to attend the events in smaller cities and towns!
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Oh I realise people hold Prides in different months- or else KELLY WILDE would be stretched too THIN- but it was more about why they insist on having it just FIVE DAYS AFTER JUNE that gets me :D

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